Friday, June 12, 2020

How to Make a Reference Page For a Resume a Little More Attractive

How to Make a Reference Page For a Resume a Little More AttractiveWhile creating a reference page for a resume is a good way to help the employer decide if you are the right person for the job, it doesn't mean that your page has to be boring. It just means that you need to go about making your resume a little more appealing so the employer will remember you and want to see what else you have to offer.One thing you can do to add some sparkle to your reference page is add some graphics. This is great because they tend to be eye-catching and look better than words. They can help you to draw in the attention of the reader and make them feel like they need to know more. This is particularly true when the graphic you are using is well crafted and flows naturally with the rest of the page.You also want to consider including pictures to the reference page. Having photos of yourself does two things. First, it gives the reader a chance to see how much you resemble what they are expecting.Secon d, it allows you to include a link back to your Facebook or MySpace page. Having an email address included on your resume is important so that if someone really wants to know more about you, they can email you and get back to you quickly.The last thing you can do to make your resume a little more attractive is to try out different fonts. You might choose a style of font that is more interesting than your competitors. Try different fonts to see which one is most attractive to the reader.To make a reference page for a resume more attractive, try using different colors as well. For example, instead of just using a standard yellow background color, why not include different shades of blue? By including different shades of blue, you give the reader a chance to really see what your resume is saying.Finally, when you are ready to create your resume, you can also include some fun animations that will make it stand out. For example, maybe you could incorporate the Disney cartoon character Wi nnie the Pooh into your resume. A unique animation can help to make your resume look fun and energetic.By adding these few simple tricks to how to make a reference page for a resume, you will be well on your way to creating a nice looking resume that will get you noticed. Remember, your resume is what the employer sees first, so it is important that it looks great.

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