Monday, May 25, 2020

Will Returning To Studies Be A Career Boost Or Bust

Will Returning To Studies Be A Career Boost Or Bust People embark on promotions in all manner of ways. For some brave individuals, climbing the ladder is as simple as coming straight out and asking our employers. More commonly, though, we crawl up each rung with hard work and determination. Some of us even return to education to improve our chances.   The idea of studying to further your career path certainly isn’t a bad one. Embarking on degrees and courses is fantastic for proving determination and work ethic if nothing else. But, it is worth noting that a poorly-approached educational return can prove as harmful to your career as it is positive. That’s because, no matter the cause, studying even part-time akes you away from your work itself. That could damage   productivity and generally put you behind other potential promotion prospects.   To make sure your returning to studies turns out more career boost than bust, keep reading to find out the following ways to direct your efforts here. Make sure that your course sets you on a clear trajectory Career trajectories are fundamental at any time, especially if your efforts here are solely dedicated to promotion. Before you sign up for a course, then, make sure that it sets you on a clear trajectory, and that it’s one you want to tread. The last thing you want is to spend years studying only to find out that you’re still underqualified. Speaking with lecturers ahead of time, or even just checking course-specific details like those on Norwich University website can help here. Equally, discussing study plans with your boss ensures they’ll let you know if you’re on the wrong track. Make sure you can juggle Plenty of people juggle studies alongside careers, but it takes careful consideration. Making sure your course hours fit within your workload, for example, is fundamental for reaping rewards. If you continuously have to take time out for this, then you’ll soon begin to notice a detrimental effect. Falling behind is no way to set yourself ahead, after all, and leaving yourself out of workplace practice won’t help much, either.   Check your employer is onboard It’s also vital that you check your employer is on board with your plans. As mentioned, this can help you to pick the right course, but it does a lot more besides. In most cases, employers are more than happy for team members to embark on career-led improvement but don’t take that for granted. If your boss is unhappy about time you take off or potential productivity slips, then no amount of studying will keep you in their best books. In fact, embarking on studies without your boss’s approval could well see you losing your position with no chance at a good job reference. Even the best course won’t help you then!   There’s no denying that studying alongside your career can bring benefits, but there are also some risks involved. Only by considering these ahead of time can make sure that return to education really does set you on track for promotion.  

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